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The Social Gateway Method

Social networks – especially professional business networks like LinkedIn – have become a communication and advertising environment for business purposes. As highly qualified service providers, IP-Professionals can use social media to get in touch with potential new mandates on an interactive, community-driven level, as well as interacting with existing mandates to confirms one’s knowledge and professionality. LinkedIn gives you an additional opportunity for to present yourself as an expert, increase their your online visibility and establish yourself as a brand.

01. Defining your community

Together we define your target group regarding your knowledge, activities and the niche you participate in. Being aware of who is your potential “dream” mandate is very important to plan further steps to get in touch with them and attract them to your brand and services.

02. Setting Targets

Whether it’s building up your own brand, establish yourself as a professional in a niche, building an employer brand or generating new mandates – all goals can be achieved by using social media. We set and define your targets together and talk about the steps that need to be done to achieve them.

03. Content Planning

No matter which goal you have on social media, it’s essential to verify your knowledge or brand with suitable content, interactions and comments. We plan all of these activities together with you step by step and help you to collect sources for good content. Together with our Influencers and Experts with big communities on LinkedIn, we can also support you to grow your community.

04. Information

The content we create and that will be posted needs to deliver value in form of information about news or regulations. Your community must benefit of the content you give to them.

05. Reporting

On our journey to achieve your goals it’s necessary to include feedback loops and measure the reach of your targets by using suitable KPIs (key performance indicators) that are provided by the social media channel itself or by us.

06. Reputation

It’s important to getting known by your target group as a professional with knowledge and skills, establish your brand and position yourself as an expert. By following the steps and report the progress you will build up your reputation on social media.

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